"Mediocrity is just not good enough. We can be so much more. My job is to find that extra and turn it from possibility in to reality”

To provoke a positive mindset, provide clarity of thought and empower the honest delivery of meaningful messages to bring about change that benefits us all.

How we can work together
Elevating Achievers to Changemakers.
The Challenger program is for people and organisations that have an ambition significantly larger than their peers.
Whether you want to transform yourself, your organisation, or the world - this program helps you:
Identify your purpose, strengths and vision.
Craft a narrative that has clarity and ambition.
Refine, finesse and ensure the “package” is delivered with conviction and impact.
This program will change the way you see yourself, the way you communicate your story and expand your understanding of what is possible.
The Transformation Program
We are living through a fascinating time. We’re moving from one world to another - from an analogue, fossil fuel, black and white TV perspective to digital, renewable, colour!
Making the shift is a challenge for individuals, but more so for organisations clinging on to the world they know. It is a culture needing to adapt and see the possibility of opportunity. This is where I come in.
Elevate the way you present.
For the past 20 years I’ve trained over 500 leaders communicate with impact.
If you have a desire to stand out from the pack, to be the one they remember for all the right reasons, to tell your story concisely and effectively and to do it well enough that you are invited back time after time, then I can help.
This is more than just learning the mechanics. This is about getting your mindset, purpose, vision and objectives clearly articulated so people know who you are, what you do and why you do it.
This is about communicating with impact.
Elevate your Event
I’ve been speaking at major events for many years. I speak on many topics but the common themes included are: media, communication, story, mindset, messaging, transformation, purpose and vision.
They all come under my banner “leadership through a communication lens.” They can be targeted at either the individual or the organisation. It talks to one (individual mindset) or to many (group/cultural mindset).
Elevate your organisation
I’ve been working with corporations and groups for long enough to know that having someone trusted but “outside the circle” can make all the difference to an important meeting of many! I can ask questions that others can’t. I don’t have to worry about the politics, I will ask it from the audience’s perspective. By taking this approach, and making it all feel like part of the process we get incredible results that can set us up for future success.
Elevate your event
I’m an expert MC and panel facilitator who has hosted over 200 events Australia wide.
I host and facilitate events with a focus on those that require a skilled communicator to create conversation and uncover stories through individual or panel interviews.
My presenting and facilitating will activate and engage your audience, and empower the honest delivery of meaningful messages.
In the 'Purpose & Vision' Podcast, James speaks to people who run companies that are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.
​James has been a presenter with ABC Perth for the past 15 years. He spent 7 years presenting the Saturday breakfast show and presented the weekly breakfast show in 2016. He is a regular contributor to a range of the current ABC Perth programming.
James writes a fortnightly blog on all things leadership, communication, purpose and vision, storytelling and more. To receive his blog please just click here

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